Why Should Businesses Rethink Job Descriptions?

Updated On
September 28, 2023
Read Time
4 Minutes
OnBlick Inc

A lot of companies today are failing to attract top talent early on in their hiring process. One of the causes for this is poorly written job descriptions. Great job descriptions do more than just keep the information up-to-date. With well-written descriptions, you will have relevant applicants to choose from, and this saves a great deal of your time.

This article will help you understand the necessity of reconsidering your job descriptions.

Why are job descriptions important?

Job descriptions (JDs) are beneficial for companies across sectors. Having well-put job descriptions is specifically key for early-stage companies as they will help attract the right candidates. However, unclear job descriptions can drive away good candidates. A job description speaks about the quality of work a company requires.

Recent research that surveyed jobseekers if hiring managers provided them with clear job descriptions found only 36% of candidates respond in the affirmative. This throws light on companies not conveying proper information about the duties, responsibilities and tasks they expect potential employees to accomplish. It also indicates that the hiring managers fail to take note of the requirements of the company.

Understanding Job Descriptions

A job description is a marketing tool.

It is not just about recruiting. It is also about marketing. The goal is to convince the candidate that they are making the right decision by joining the firm. A well-written role description can help you stand out from the crowd and impress potential clients. Instead of focusing on the position's responsibilities, a role description should help you explain why the candidate would want to be part of the firm and its culture. The development of roles and other recruitment materials for a firm can reflect on the job description and the firm's core values. The position must clearly articulate the responsibilities and goals that the firm has for its employees to succeed. It will help employers hire the best people.

It is a focus point for the candidate and the company.

A job description makes a note of all the qualities that make great performers. It will be specific about the qualities that you want to attract. The job description should be carefully written to avoid negative connotations for a certain race, gender, or personality. This part of the impact description is where you make your company stand out among the crowd. It answers some critical questions about the company.

A job description should help the candidate answer some of the questions they'll likely face once hired. In addition, these questions will ask about their expectations for the job.

It includes sharp requirements and responsibilities a company seeks.

Responsibility: An ideal job description sets the focus on high-level responsibilities that don't require technical expertise. The roles and responsibilities section ensures that the job description is accurate and reader-friendly. It helps research, segment, and understand the audiences to develop a relevant brand. Finally, it leads all the aspects of the end-to-end marketing campaigns, from concept to execution.

Requirements: It talks about the requirements for candidates who will be working with various tools and equipment. For instance, proven experience is required for a marketing manager or similar position with a self-directed, creative, and ambitious individual with a passion for learning and experimenting.

How to Revamp your Job Descriptions?

Make them unique.

Every creative piece can be unique, so why not the job description? Your job description should be as good as the people you hire. If it's not clear, then it's not likely that you'll get the best fit. A well-written and distinguished description is vital to stand out from the rest of the job postings. Work out what makes the company different and inject personality into the job description by developing a unique character.

Analyze the job and re-write.

It is a piece of advice that most people would agree with. Every company must perform a job analysis before writing a job description. It is essential to conduct a job analysis to ensure that the right job is described for the right reasons.

Ask a few questions to help, such as:

  1. What internal pressure or external factors have caused this job opening?
  2. What differences do you notice when viewing a job description and/or job specification posted by a rival company?
  3. What skills and capabilities will be needed to meet the expectations of the job?

Involve your staff to get more clarity.

Not taking feedback from employees, peers, and leaders when creating recruitment materials is a big mistake. It can eliminate valuable insights into the position and how to best place yourself for potential candidates. Usually, HR personnel and hiring managers are the only people who can review a job's descriptions before they are posted. However, since these individuals do not see all of the job details, they tend to provide inaccurate descriptions.

Instead, gather a team of experienced employees who have worked in the same role to understand the position thoroughly. Take note of any details that were not already included. Then, show them the latest version of the job description. Also, make sure to include any perks that will appeal to candidates. This will help make the job ad more memorable and attract the best candidates.

Use the best medium.

Role descriptions are typically plain text. However, there are other possibilities. For instance, you could create a visual or a written text that's accompanied by provocative imagery. Creating recruitment material can be valuable in developing a brand, developing an organizational framework, and improving the hiring process.

Though every section of your job advertisement is essential, some areas are crucial to catching the attention of potential candidates. Understanding the section that pertains to the company's goal and how it should be formatted is very important when creating a job description. They should also be shared with other recruiters. If you have a smaller social media following, then join professional groups on LinkedIn or connect with like-minded individuals on Facebook. These groups will help you find opportunities and connect with others in the job market.

Summing Up

Having great job descriptions does much more than providing potential candidates with information about the job positions. Since quality content helps attract skilled candidates, businesses should consider re-working their outdated job descriptions. We hope this article helps you refurbish some of your old and unexciting JDs.

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