Qualities That Make Great Managers Stand Apart

Updated On
September 28, 2023
Read Time
3.5 Minutes
OnBlick Inc

Qualities That Make Great Managers Stand Apart

A workplace that exhibits healthy innovation and yields good profit is often managed by leaders who go above and beyond the call of duty. Great managers who drive high performance are considered an asset for the company.

This article discusses the traits of great managers and helps businesses identify the management skills they need to foster.  

Efficient Management: An Example

A regular manager who executes their duties and tries to bring out the best for the company should be appreciated. Now, let’s think about managers with some extraordinary skills that change the monotonous world and provide more capacity than the regular one. Shouldn’t they be lauded more?

For instance, one of your employees lacks people skills but has a lot of product knowledge. Their manager groups the individual into a customer service team that has the necessary skills to make that individual’s weakness less visible. Doing this would aid the company to capitalize on the quality of that particular individual and at the same time help that individual gain the people skills they lack. Isn’t that a brilliant move from the manager?

How Can Managers Do Things Differently?

Doing things differently always needs three “-ings”

Striving: Strive for trust, achievements and expertise.

Thinking: Think of focus, discipline and personal responsibility.

Relating: Relate to empathy, observe and act on individual differences, persuade and keep control.

When you strive, think and relate well, you make a difference. And this has a direct impact on your company.

Be Watchful

• Watch your employees and observe their talents. Show them how they can excel at something by encouraging them to develop it.

• Cheer them to stop playing with their weaknesses. They might be prone to overplaying their abilities, but this can help them learn how to manage their time.

• Be attentive to the people around you. Find individuals who exhibit the kinds of talents they can use to make a difference in the world.

• Ask them what they would like to do to improve their performance.

• If they had the opportunity to do something that they love doing, what would they do differently? How can this help align with the goals of your team and organization?

• What support would be needed to develop these key skills? Adopting a strengths-focus may sound like a tiny shift that rewards managers big time.

Provide Constant Training

• Good managers help their employees develop new skills through various means, such as boot camps, retreats, and online training. This investment shows that the company values its employees and provides them with opportunities to develop their skills.

• Being trained to do work-related tasks can improve the productivity of employees and make them more effective. It can also create stronger relationships.

• This training should be part of an ongoing endeavor that will continuously improve the productivity of the team. It is a way to enhance the learning experience for everyone. Training brings in turnover for the company.

Set Space to work Independently

• People who feel that they can make their own decisions are more productive and happy. Some managers need perfection and are likely to impose their will on others, which can be detrimental.

• It can be difficult for individuals to make simple decisions and make the manager's point of access for every simple direction. That sounds like more energy consumption for every task.

• Being on a team that can do good work is contingent on the ability to do it the way they want to. It ensures that they will be accountable for their output.

• When people feel like they're making their own decisions, they'll feel more self-aware and motivated to do great work.

Support Flexibility at Work

• Many people prefer working remotely on certain occasions since it allows them to work in an environment they thrive in.

• Allowing employees to work from home is a great way to build trust and build productivity. This option lets them work from anywhere, which is beneficial for businesses in different ways.

Get into their shoes

• Managers who lead by example are genuinely doing things differently. They can be eminent influencers.

• When employees feel that they have to do work that they are not particularly fond of, they tend to develop resentment toward their managers.

• Employees respect managers who are willing to get into their shoes to demonstrate their mastery. This behavior can help demonstrate high levels of engagement and productivity.

Acknowledge Good Work

• It's a sign of strength to give employees credit after a job well done. It shows them that you care about what they're doing and that you're doing it for them.

• Showing your employees that you honestly care about them will pay big dividends in the long run.

• Leaders who treat their team members as partners are more successful. Team up and trust are what make them more likely to succeed.

Be Transparent

• Being honest can be difficult. It can be especially difficult to motivate employees when harsh feedback is used.

• Getting rid of barriers that keep people from being transparent can make a world of difference. It also sets a high standard for everyone and allows employees to learn from their mistakes.

• Having the courage to talk honestly to employees not only helps break down some of the obstacles that employees face but also makes the conversations more enjoyable.

• When managers can talk to their people more clearly, without hurting but letting them know the importance of any instances can provide a growing domain.

Final Thoughts

Great management skills can be acquired if you are willing to tweak yourselves a bit. We hope this article helps you identify the management skills and traits that transform managers into great managers.

Published On
October 5, 2021

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