
Timesheet Management System: 7 Benefits of a Timesheet Management System

Updated On
September 28, 2023
Read Time
4 minutes
OnBlick Inc.

The use of a timesheet management system is not uncommon in today’s world. Timesheets, when used effectively, contribute highly to the collection of reliable data about the work hours and productivity levels of the employees. A timesheet management tool ensures that the businesses time their projects accurately and keep track of their progress.  

In this blog, we discuss the benefits of timesheet management and how they benefit businesses in their project management. Read on to find out the above and an effective way to engage in the process while working remotely.  

What is Timesheet Management System?  

Originally, timesheets were referred to as time books. First used in the 19th century, they were used as paper sheets for management accounting, accounting for the payroll of the workers. These sheets recorded the work hours, workdays, and tasks of the employees in a tabular format. A timesheet management system monitors and analyses the timesheets of the employees based on which, they take up projects and determine other work functions.  

Some of the elements of a timesheet include the employee name/ID, date, activity information, and the percentage of work completed.  

Benefits of Using a Timesheet Management System  

A timesheet management system provides the following benefits for a business:  

1. Systematic Project Management  

The employers can assign tasks to the employees through a timesheet. They can assess how much time it takes for them to finish a task, and allocate work accordingly. It also helps keep track of the work status of the employees depending on which can further help schedule the next tasks.  Managers have been actively using the timesheet management system since the onset of COVID-19 for remote work situations to monitor the work of the employees.  

2. Evaluate Improvement Opportunities  

A consistent analysis of the timesheets can help assess the points of improvement in their work. This may be related to the amount of time taken to work on a specific task or the results received from their work in the past few days. While working from home employees may face several issues and similar patterns on a timesheet can help the employer assess the issue or enquire about it.  They can accordingly provide the employees with better tools to cope with them.  

3. Increasing Transparency and Objective Data  

Transparency in the work data assures the employers and the workforce that there is an equal system in place used to assign work. It gives employers a space to visualize how the workforce typically spends a day at work. Additionally, the employees exhibit feelings of trust when they have access to the work of their co-workers so they know that the work is distributed uniformly among them. In times where the employees are working remotely, it is increasingly difficult for the managers to keep track of the work of every individual. Timesheet management ensures they are updated with the workforce virtually.  

4. Identify Problems  

There might be minor problems within everyone’s work every step of the way. Timesheets allow one to look at the task and understand how the work progresses simultaneously. This helps firms identify problems at hand before they escalate into a major issue. Remote work makes it difficult to identify issues with work or the tasks but keeping a check of the timesheet allows the workers to see if their work is allocated to the right person and if the employees are working at pace with the deadlines.  

5. Predict the Need for Resources  

Timesheets serve as historical data that can be referred to when one needs to predict work behaviors. Companies can identify work trends that may tend to repeat based on this data. HR management can make use of timesheets to predict the work resources or department that may need more employees and use the data for recruitment in the future. It can help companies identify employee productivity during office and virtual work hours that can act as a basis for future work decisions once the COVID situation is in control.  

6. Leave Management  

Timesheets include a leave management system that monitors the leaves allotted to every employee including leave policies for vacations, extended leaves in case of illness, and other unusual activities. It allows the workforce to apply and keep track of their leaves based on the leave policy system of the company. Timesheets include space for employees to mention their nature and the duration of their absence. While employees do not have the facility to take leaves for leisure, they may need to take a break to rejuvenate their minds or sick leaves in some cases.  

7. Monitor Work Hours  

When the work hours are specified for the workers, it becomes easier to check whether they are following the rules while working remotely. It ensures that the employees do not overwork themselves and have time to maintain a work-life balance. Managers also have the liberty to understand if certain employees need more time to finish their tasks while working from home, or to check if they can meet the deadlines on time.  


A good timesheet software paves the way for a productive workforce and allows them to be efficient in their work. OnBlick provides you with a one-stop solution for an effective timesheet and leave management system that helps you improve your employee-employer relationship with minimal effort. Sign up for a quick demo to engage with a timesheet management tool that can coherently improve the way you work.

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