The Impact of Applicant Tracking System on Candidate Experience

Updated On
September 28, 2023
Read Time
4 Minutes
OnBlick Inc

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) have become an essential tool in the recruitment process for many companies. These systems can automate many repetitive tasks involved in recruiting, such as posting job vacancies, screening resumes, and tracking candidate communication. While they streamline the recruitment process and make it easier for recruiters to find the right candidates, these systems can also impact the candidate experience.

In this article, we will explore the role of Applicant Tracking Systems on the candidate experience and how companies can improve this experience.

Applicant Tracking System- an overview

An Applicant Tracking System is a software application designed to help recruiters manage and automate the recruitment process. The system allows recruiters to post job vacancies, track candidate communication, and manage resumes and applications. It can also provide analytics and reporting capabilities, making it easier for recruiters to assess the success of their recruitment campaigns.

The system offers a database of information for future use, such as when a former applicant applies for a new position. It can also be used to look for possible applicants from applications of earlier job listings. Applicant Tracking Systems are becoming increasingly popular among organizations of all sizes and industries.

What is Candidate Experience?

Candidate experience refers to candidates’ perceptions, feelings, and attitudes towards an organization during recruitment. It encompasses all interactions that a candidate has with an organization, including the application process, communication with recruiters, and the interview process.

A positive candidate experience can significantly impact an organization’s recruitment efforts. It can improve the quality of candidates that apply, increase the likelihood of candidates accepting job offers, and improve an organization’s employer brand.

Put simply; it is how the candidates feel about a company’s brand, from the job description to the interview to the follow-up correspondence. Each stage offers a chance to develop closer connections with candidates and persuade applicants to work for the business.

Applicant Tracking Systems and Candidate Experience

Candidates may become dissatisfied with a hiring process that seems to go on forever, especially if they believe their time is being squandered. While it takes time to discover the appropriate candidate, the company can make the most of the Applicant Tracking System to reduce redundancy and friction.

While Applicant Tracking Systems can make the recruitment process more efficient, there are concerns that they can negatively impact the candidate experience. For example, some ATS are designed to scan resumes for specific keywords and phrases, which can result in qualified candidates being overlooked if their resumes do not match the keywords.

This can be frustrating for candidates with the necessary skills and experience but not selected for an interview because their resumes do not contain the right keywords.

Another concern is that ATS can make the recruitment process feel impersonal. Candidates may feel like they are just another number in the system, rather than a valued individual with unique skills and experiences. This can lead to a negative candidate experience, impacting the company’s reputation and making it harder to attract top talent in the future.

Tips to Improve the Candidate Experience with ATS

Fortunately, there are several ways that companies can improve the candidate experience when using an Applicant Tracking System. Here are some strategies that companies can implement:

Choose a user-friendly system: Companies should select an Applicant Tracking System that is easy to use and navigate. Candidates should be able to apply for a job quickly and easily without navigating through a complicated system. The application process should be simple, and candidates should be able to upload their resumes and cover letters with ease.

Optimize job descriptions: ATS can help ensure that job descriptions are clear, accurate, and free of bias. Ensure to include essential job requirements, qualifications, and responsibilities in the job description and any perks or benefits.

Simplify the application process: Candidates can get frustrated with lengthy or complicated application forms. Use ATS to simplify the process using a user-friendly interface, allowing candidates to apply through social media profiles or cloud-based storage services and pre-populate fields with data from their resumes.

Provide status updates: One of the most frustrating parts of the hiring process for candidates is not knowing where they stand. ATS can automate status updates, such as when an application is received or reviewed, or the candidate is rejected or invited for an interview.

Besides this, an ATS can be a valuable tool to help recruiters and hiring managers to reach out to candidates at the appropriate time during the recruitment process. Using the ATS to track candidate progress, recruiters can see when candidates have reached certain milestones, such as completing an application or passing an initial screening. This information allows recruiters to send targeted communications to candidates, such as follow-up emails or invitations to move forward.

Personalize communication: Every candidate cannot be personally emailed. Therefore, any email that begins with “Dear Candidate” is doomed to fail as a means of effective candidate communication. ATS allows companies to personalize mass mailings with little details, like adding recipients’ names and similar information, while still using the same content. Also, the system is quite helpful for delivering follow-up communications like “thank you” and “we will get back to you soon.”

Monitor feedback: Monitor feedback from candidates to identify any areas for improvement. ATS software can help you track candidate satisfaction, monitor the effectiveness of your recruitment efforts, and identify any trends or patterns in candidate behavior.

By implementing these strategies, you can use Applicant Tracking Systems to improve the candidate experience, enhance candidate satisfaction, and ultimately attract and retain top talent.

Summing Up

Applicant Tracking Systems have become essential for companies looking to enhance their recruitment efforts and attract top talent. Deliberation, thinking, and attention to detail can help create a favorable impression on the business. ATS can improve the candidate experience by reducing the time and effort required to apply for a job, providing clear communication and transparency throughout the recruitment process, and helping recruiters to identify the best-fit candidates quickly.

We hope the points outlined in this article help you leverage your Applicant Tracking System to boost your candidate experience.

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