
DHS Seeks Public Input to Identify Barriers Across USCIS Benefits and Services

Updated On
May 17, 2022
Read Time
3 Minutes
OnBlick Inc

DHS Seeks Public Input to Identify Barriers Across USCIS Benefits and Services

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently issued a notice requesting input from the public on how U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) can reduce administrative and other barriers/ burdens.

Here’s everything you need to know in this regard.


In President Biden’s Executive Order (E.O.) 14012, issued on February 2, 2021, entitled “Restoring Faith in Our Legal Immigration Systems and Strengthening Integration and Inclusion Efforts for New Americans”, the objectives focus on:

DHS is asking public input to better comprehend and recognize administrative barriers and burdens (including paperwork requirements, waiting time, and other obstacles) that impair the functions of the USCIS process and needlessly impede access to USCIS immigration benefits. This is done to achieve the above-said objectives with the help of which DHS will be enabled to initiate strategic plans, consider reforms, and execute reports according to President Biden's requests of DHS delineated in E.O. 14012.

This effort will help DHS identify process improvements for USCIS, thereby benefit the state, local, and tribal governments, businesses (including small businesses and startups), educational institutions of all kinds, nonprofits, and individuals. However, it is made clear that the “comments submitted in response to this notice will not be considered as petitions for rulemaking submitted under 5 U.S.C. 553(e) unless they comply with DHS regulations at 6 CFR part 3, Petitions for Rulemaking”.

List of Questions for Commenters

Some of the important questions that form a part of the list of questions that help the public in formulating comments are as follows:

Commenters are asked to provide specific examples identifying the specific program or subject matter. Also, mention if the regulations/ policies/ forms or other USCIS procedures or requirements that you have identified as potential barriers, are the ones you perceive to have been created by duplication, overlap, or inconsistency of requirements.

Important Date

The comments are requested on or before May 19, 2021.

You may submit comments, identified by docket number USCIS-2021-0004, through the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Please follow the instructions put forth by DHS before submitting your comments.

Published On
April 27, 2021

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